Martial Peak

Chapter 4922

For that reason, it was impossible for Nu Yan to accept Lang Ya’s invitation for a third round. Not unless there was something wrong with his head.

Coldly snorting in response, Nu Yan turned to leave.

“I will continue to use this servant. You can send any of your men into battle. What do you think?” Lang Ya’s voice came from behind.

Nu Yan froze and turned back to look at Lang Ya with a puzzled expression as if asking, “Are you speaking the truth?”

Lang Ya shrugged slightly, indicating that he was not joking.

There were countless eyes on them, watching curiously as though enjoying a good show.

Nu Yan immediately scowled upon hearing those words. Needless to say, there was nothing stopping him from leaving this place at this moment. Although he suffered a huge loss, it wasn’t like he hadn’t gained anything. The World Force of Fifth-Order Open Heaven Realm Master was still useful to him, and picking E-5 up along the way here had made up for the losses he sustained this time; however, if he left just like this, he would never be able to swallow the resentment in his heart.

Lowering his head, Nu Yan looked into the crater. A-1 might have been defeated and killed by the Bright King Cave Heaven cultivator, but he had not been completely powerless to fight back. His desperate resistance had also caused some injury to his opponent. In addition, the battle just now had consumed quite a lot of the Bright King Cave Heaven cultivator’s strength.

[A one-on-one fight might have been impossible against him, but won’t a series of continuous battles bring him down?]

It had to be said that the Sixth-Order Open Heaven Realm Master below was a huge temptation to Nu Yan. The most important reason was that the resentment in his heart could be wiped clean in one go if he won.

Seeing Nu Yan’s hesitation, Lang Ya immediately waved his hand dismissively and said, “Of course, you can leave if you’re scared. There’s no need to force yourself.”

He had said those words before. His statement had been a provocation earlier, and it remained a provocation now. It was just that his tone was completely different. He had spat out those words through gritted teeth earlier, but he was openly sneering now.

Nu Yan had already been hesitating earlier, so he immediately made up his mind after being agitated by those words, “Who’s scared? But, let’s make it clear now. You don’t get to regret your decision when you lose later.”

Lang Ya nodded repeatedly, “Don’t worry, I won’t regret my decision.”

His expression was calm and relaxed, seeming to have great confidence in the Black Ink Disciple under his command.

Looking at Lang Ya’s reaction made Nu Yan’s heart clench. He had the vague feeling that he had made a fool of himself again; unfortunately, he had already agreed to the challenge and could no longer back out of his decision. If he refused the challenge now, he would only become the laughingstock of his clansmen.

Gritting his teeth, Nu Yan gave B-2 a questioning look. A-1 was dead, so he could only count on B-2 now. There was no denying that B-2 was slightly weaker than A-1, but the difference was not too great. Against an injured and exhausted opponent, his odds of obtaining victory were quite high.

Under Nu Yan’s gaze, B-2 lowered his head and said nothing.

“Waste!” Nu Yan snarled.

end badly if he were sent to fight with such a mentality. Besides, he had diligently served Nu Yan for a long time. Even if he was a mere servant, B-2 had been very earnest and supportive throughout all

to send B-2 to certain death despite his angry cursing, so he turned to Yang Kai and

what his strength was like. Be that as it may, the Open Heaven Realm Masters were all the same.

if he suffered some losses, they wouldn’t have been too unbearable. In contrast, the situation had worsened now. Even the Sixth-Order Open Heaven Realm Black Ink

that as it may, if he had to choose between B-2 and E-5, Nu Yan would choose to abandon E-5. He was not familiar with the new recruit, so he could simply act as if he had not picked anybody up in the first place.

in response. He never imagined that this matter would fall upon his shoulders. Although he felt helpless,

if you die, you have to drag him

nodded and

were taciturn while E-5 was willing to chat with him despite being a newcomer. Now that E-5 had been ordered to enter the gambling arena, he would most likely never

a bloody stench filled the air. Severed limbs and pieces of flesh could be seen everywhere. An innumerable number of Black Ink Disciples had died in this place, so much so that the blood they spilled had dyed

was calm. There were signs of injury on his body, but they were not serious. It was just that his battle against A-1 earlier had indeed consumed

Yang Kai cupped his fist at the Sixth-Order Open Heaven Realm Master

when the opponent shot towards him like an arrow released from its string. His World Force was wrapped around his figure for defence, but his momentum was very aggressive. Since he had already revealed his hand during the first round, there was no longer any need to hide his abilities. Besides, he planned to finish this

taken aback because his opponent was also rushing forward like him. There were no signs of activating a Secret Technique or traces of summoning an artifact, just a punch clad

an uproar in the audience as countless Black Ink Clansmen and Black Ink Disciples widened their eyes

he was even more furious! [That damn E-5! Knowing that the opponent comes from Bright King Cave Heaven and boasts a strong physical body, I can’t believe he

had the vague feeling that E-5 was following his orders and trying to create an


the naked eye erupted outward. Two figures collided fiercely against each other, then suddenly separated as they flew out

first collision went beyond

displayed the immense strength of his body. Seeing Yang Kai dashing forward without the fear of death, they all believed that it would be a one-sided massacre, but on the contrary, it turned out to be an evenly matched

was stunned! Even Lang Ya, who had a smile at the corner of his lips, was also stunned. Meanwhile, D-4’s mouth gaped open in

Sixth-Order Master from Bright King Cave Heaven. Nevertheless, one clash was not enough to


but his figure kept charging forward without stopping. Putting some strength into his legs, he kicked off the ground so hard that

*Hong… Hong… Hong…*

World Force kicked up the wind and the clouds. Like throwing a rock into the calm surface of the lake, shockwaves blasted out like

gathered around the crater immediately burst into cheer. This fierce battle enraptured and

no fancy Secret Techniques or exchanges between offensive and defensive artifacts, there were only bloody fists against flesh. It was the most primitive kind of conflict, a battle that had never been seen before in the gambling arena. It was enough to bring out the deep-seated murderous brutality buried deep within their hearts and intoxicated them

smile on Lang Ya’s face gradually vanished, and his

E-5, sending the unknown E-5 into battle.

did not lose out in the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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