Martial Peak

Chapter 4933

The woman’s life was in danger!

Yang Kai suddenly couldn’t bear watching without doing anything any longer. Even if his identity were revealed, even if his future would be fraught with danger, he believed that he had to make his move now; otherwise, he was bound to regret his decision for the rest of his life.

Over the past two years, he had disguised himself as a Black Ink Disciple and carefully mingled among the Black Ink Clan because he did not dare to reveal his identity easily. Being faithful to Nu Yan’s orders and allowing himself to be regarded as a cash cow by fighting endless battles in the gambling arenas of various major territories were simply his methods of survival.

He had not lifted a finger to help when the woman had been fighting on her own because she had always remained in control of the situation; however, she was now only one step away from death. Yang Kai could not watch her die here without doing anything.

With his current strength, there was a high chance that he would die as well if he revealed his identity. The Black Ink Territory Lord was not easy to deal with after all, but throughout his life, Yang Kai had to admit that although he was not indomitable, he had a bottom line that could not be crossed. It was now the time where he had to take action!

Inside the Sealed World, Meng Qi from Exquisite Paradise had chosen to commit suicide in order to protect the secret of the Void Corridor. As a Seventh-Order Open Heaven Realm Master, when did he ever show the slightest hint of hesitation in his actions?

The people who fought and risked their lives every single day on the Black Ink Battlefield to fight the Black Ink Clan for countless years did so all to protect the 3,000 Worlds, all while the latter knew nothing of their sacrifice. How could he do any less at this moment?

However, Yang Kai suddenly froze in place. That was because he noticed that the Territory Lord who captured the woman was simply staring at her quietly. There was no murderous intent in those eyes. On the contrary, they were filled with a trace of admiration.

Yang Kai suddenly realised something. The Masters from the Cave Heavens and Paradises might not die if they were captured by the Black Ink Clan. Rather, what awaited them was another fate!

Sure enough, the Black Ink Territory Lord did not kill the woman immediately and instead sneered lightly, “You’ve got guts. In that case, become my slave forever!”

When the words left his mouth, Black Ink Strength dense enough to take shape seeped out of his hands. The Black Ink Strength instantly enveloped the woman and began sinking into her body.

The woman struggled desperately, but her efforts were to no avail. Combined with the fact that she had exhausted all her strength in the battle just now, she was completely powerless to resist the corrosion of the Black Ink Strength. A short while later, she became quiet as her eyes filled with Black Ink Strength.

Yang Kai watched quietly, feeling sad in his heart. It was hard to believe that such a Master had been corrupted by Black Ink Strength. Be that as it may, compared to death on the spot, this outcome could be considered acceptable as he might be able to find an opportunity to rescue her.

The Black Ink Territory Lord was clearly extremely satisfied with his newly subordinated servant. A Black Ink Disciple in the Seventh-Order Open Heaven Realm was very rare, so they were considered precious even among the Black Ink Clan. He studied her for a moment before he said, “Follow me once you recover.”

“Yes!” The woman with dishevelled hair bowed respectfully.

covered his enormous figure, and he charged forward quickly.

Black Ink Clansmen and Black Ink Disciples left behind glared at the woman. The situation was extremely awkward, but there was no helping it. They had been fighting each other as though there was an absolutely irreconcilable enmity between them only for her to suddenly become one of their own in the blink of an eye. The shift in

with his Black Ink Strength. Who would dare to steal her away after that? They

you run off!? Do you want to die!?” Nu Yan reprimanded Yang

he had reacted in time and held back from attacking the Territory Lord; otherwise, the person being hunted at this moment would have been

he lowered his head

only reprimanded Yang Kai once and did not

pursuit finally ended. The three surviving Black Ink Clan Feudal Lords gathered together for a quick discussion, then one of them said, “A few will stay behind to guard this place and prevent any misunderstandings from occurring. The rest will come with me

but she was a dry oil lamp at the moment and needed time to recover

and mistakenly killed her thinking that she was an enemy, they would not be able to give the Territory Lord a reasonable explanation; therefore, a few people had to

treatment, but they had just witnessed this woman’s strength with their own eyes. More importantly, she

the Feudal Lord finished speaking, his gaze swept across the crowd

forward at the right moment and volunteered,

sideways at Nu Yan. During the two years serving under him, Yang Kai had not realised that Nu Yan was extremely scared of death. It was not until this battle against the

danger and escape it were definitely first-class. In other words,

He quickly volunteered before anybody else could even react. It was not a major issue that needed to be negotiated, and since he

that case, you will stay behind. The

forward in pursuit. The others quickly followed behind him and it didn’t take long before only Nu Yan, Yang Kai,

of us died!” While speaking, Nu Yan turned to look

Nu Yan was very lucky

down cross-legged and consumed some Spirit Pills

other side, the woman in the Seventh-Order Open Heaven Realm had been quietly recovering

varying numbers would rush over from behind. When they stumbled upon this place, they couldn’t help feeling

Nu Yan answered their questions truthfully. After hearing that the dishevelled woman recovering her strength was a Black Ink Disciple converted by a Territory Lord, they immediately gave up any ideas about

close watch. Her originally ashen complexion had already returned to normal. She casually tied up her hair

her movements, but his smile was

would take as much time as possible to recover. In that way, he would no longer

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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