Chapter 224 Edmund glared at him. “Get out of the way.” Then, he took a step forward and crouched down in front of Sylvia. He reached out and cupped her face, grinning at her. “Girl, do you know what will happen if you offend me?” Sylvia spat at him. “Bah! Let me go!” Edmund closed his eyes, wiped the saliva off his face, and pulled her into his arms. He looked at her like a hungry wolf eying a rabbit. “Would you believe me if I said that I’ll f*ck you here right now?” Sylvia spat at him again, rendering him speechless. Beside him, Blondie and Grasshead were also at a loss for words. ‘What the hell? ‘She‘s still playing like that?‘ There was a moment of silence in the room. 

Edmund smiled coldly and looked at Sylvia with a fierce glare. “I‘m going to teach you a lesson tonight. I swear on my name!” 


mouth in a smile. ” Master Carter, what brings you here today?“. Odell looked at Sylvia on the sofa and said in a cold voice, “Tell your men to get lost.” Edmund saw him staring at Sylvia and chuckled. “Master Carter, are you here to pick up this woman?” Odell ignored his words and reminded him, “There‘s a limit to my patience.” “Okay. You guys, get out of the way. Don‘t block Master Carter.” As soon as he


he turned and walked out. Just as he was about to leave, Edmund sneered, “Master Carter, isn‘t your woman Tara Avery? Did the target of your affections change?” Odell‘s footsteps paused, and his brows furrowed. Two seconds later, he continued

Edmund sneered. 


was extremely displeased. A man with purple hair said, “Mr. Price, Master Carter came alone.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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