Chapter 263

Confused and baffled, Sylvia blurted, “Odell, what are you doing?” 

She wanted to draw distance from him as she voiced her question, but Odell curled his hand around her waist before she could. 

Before she knew it, she was lifted up over his shoulder like a sack of grain. 

Sylvia screamed, “Odell, what the hell is wrong with you? Put me down!” He simply carried her away without giving her an answer. 

able to take

bodyguards’ shifting legs that

Before she knew it, Odell was already in the driver’s seat, starting

life, she dared not hit him or

zipped. A while later, the car drove out of the district, but it was not heading back to either the Carters ‘residence or her own place. She

could recover, the car sped up

it on


as she

later, the scenery outside the window started to look familiar. He had brought her to the Carters’ residence. It was not the mansion that Madam Carter was

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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