Chapter 285

It was a text from Sylvia. 

“Odell, I’m already at home. Stop calling me. I know it’s due to pure impulsiveness that you want to marry me again but I do not wish for that. I have no more feelings for you. What happened last night was merely an accident. I’ll just pretend that it was just a bad day and I was bitten by a dog. You should also forget about it. “We both have our separate lives to live and it would be better for us to maintain our distance. May you grow old with Tara.” 

After going through the message, a layer of frost seemed to have come upon Odell’s face. She said that she did not want to marry him again and had no feelings for him anymore. 

She said it had just been an accident and had even referred to him as a dog. 

That was all Odell had gotten from the message. He put his phone away and stepped on the acceleration pedal. 

Night had fallen. 

came from the door. Sylvia bolted up in shock and went outside with Aunt Tonya. They found Tom curled up in pain on the ground with Odell beside him. Odell walked past Tom and approached the entrance. He loosened

one who

turned pale.

Sylvia didn’t do

said to Aunt Tonya, “Aunt Tonya, don’t worry. He won’t hit me.” Then, she took the initiative to approach the intimidating man


anxiously chased after him, but given her age, she could barely keep up

her seatbelt and cautiously

the old Carter Residence again. She screamed, “Let me out! I don’t want to go there!”

The car accelerated. 

“Odell, can you please stop? Let’s talk about


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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