Chapter 300 The woman spoke coquettishly as she moved her hands toward Edmund‘s chest. 

At the next second... 


Edmund kicked the woman to the floor, silencing the spacious room. The woman curled up in pain while laying on the ground and the others dared not say a word. Edmund got up with a grim look on his face. “Get out! Get the hell out!” All the other women ran out in a hurry and they also brought the unlucky girl away. Both Harry and Lloyd stayed behind but they were quivering and they stood further away from Edmund. 

Harry said in a small voice, “Mr. Price, there are so many women in the world. I‘m sure there are others who look better than Sylvia. You shouldn‘t be so fixated on her.” Lloyd adhered, “Yeah, we‘ll get you a beautiful girl right away!” Edmund hurled a glass at the two of them. “Get. The. Hell. Out!” The two men left hurriedly. 

After escaping their angry boss, Lloyd said to his friend, “Harry, what are we going to do now? Mr. Price seems to have fallen deep into this rabbit hole.” 

for a bit before he continued, “Come on, let‘s go talk to Sherry. She‘s Sylvia‘s best friend and if

second day, after Sylvia finished her



from yesterday. Isabel wore a red padded jacket and had a scarf around her neck. Liam had the same

extra adorable under the sun. The man behind

coat complemented his rigid physique and the gray scarf around his neck gave a hint of warmth to his frosty look.

got in and carried Isabel onto his lap and Sylvia carried Liam. They did not go to the movies just yet. Instead, they drove to

They then headed back to the cinema and watched the same movie again. Since Odell bought out the entire theater hall again, the four of them chose the bed seats in the spacious hall. Having watched the movie twice and sitting on a comfortable seat, Sylvia was fast asleep after running around the amusement park for a whole day. Liam also fell

a glance at the boy sandwiched

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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