Chapter 351

Sylvia went inside after that. The room was dimly lit, and the stench of alcohol in the air stung the nostrils. 

Right after Sylvia came in, she saw Edmund dozing off on the couch. He wore a floral shirt that was unbuttoned down to his chest, revealing his broad muscles. The stubble around his chin was apparent while even his messy hair was longer. He looked severely disheartened. 

Sylvia frowned and called out to him. “Edmund.” 

Edmund’s eyeballs shifted before he opened his eyes. 

“Syl?” He bolted up and looked at her in awe. 

Sylvia’s brows remained furrowed. “I heard Sherry said you’ve been drinking here. What happened?” 

Edmund put the bottle of whiskey that he had been holding on onto the table. He hurriedly tidied his clothes and hair before he smiled at her. “I’m fine. I’m just bored, so I came to have some fun.” 

it because of

lips tightening. “Edmund, I’ve remarried Odell. It’s not

a bitter scowl and

your men outside? They follow you because they want to do

A hint of annoyance started showing on his face. “It’s none of your business. I’ll deal with it.”

Then, I’m

already said what she wanted to say, so it was time for her to

held her back.


Despite really wanting to be closer, he held the urge back. He stared at her and said, “Syl, tell me, how have

eyes and said, “I’m fine. Odell is treating

you?” “He did during our first marriage, but this time, he really doesn’t abuse or bully me. I have also decided to

room, when he looked down, Sylvia could not quite capture the expression on his face. All she

you for wliat you’ve done for me. I appreciate it. I really hope you can do better in the future. I don’t want to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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