Chapter 358

Odell shot her a grim look. Sylvia awkwardly chuckled and said, “Um, can you be a little more patient?” 

He pressed his lips onto hers to silence her. The kiss felt more like a punishment because he only released her after her lips were swollen. 

He got off from her and strode to the bathroom. The shower was turned on as soon as he slammed the door shut. 

Sylvia sighed a breath of relief and sat herself up. 

A while later, Odell came out of the bathroom in his robe. She stared at him shyly, but he simply replied with a frosty gaze. 

Sylvia pursed her lips and went into the bathroom. To her surprise, the bathroom remained chilly even after Odell’s shower. There was not the slightest bit of warmth inside. 

She frowned. ‘Did he shower in cold water just now?’ 

turned on the heater and took

in her pajamas, she saw

lay down beside him. She then turned to him and

must still be mad about not being able to have

did not expect to get it today. She

the back. The man’s long arms

then entered her ears, “Can’t you chat to me a little more?”

other words, he wanted her to coddle him more.


her neck and took

could react, he said, “Call me at 8 p.m. every night. If I don’t pick up because of work, text me. I want you to do it for as

would bite her again, so she played along and said, “Okay, I will.” Only with her assurance,

dreamless night, the next

over around noon with his briefcase to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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