Chapter 362

Two days later, which was a Saturday, the two little rascals did not have to go to school. Sylvia was starting to get bored after staying at home for several days, so she brought the kids to the amusement park.. 

Right after her car left the Carters’ residence, another car drove out from the corner and tailed her. 

It was Melanie. 

She had been waiting outside the Carters’ for days now and finally saw Sylvia going out. She told the driver that she hired, “Follow that car. Hurry! Don’t lose it!” 

Odell had registered Isabel and Liam for several luxury amusement park memberships, so Sylvia brought them to one of them. 

The amusement park was well-equipped with all kinds of attractions and even a full-fledged cafeteria. 

followed them around. They spent a whole day in the amusement

spent the whole weekend at

them to the movies right away. The theatre hall was almost fully seated, and even the air smelled like popcorn.

but no soft drinks for

even a sip,”

protruded her lips and said,

patted Isabel and Liam and said, “Stay here.

two little rascals nodded

snack counter was further away from the waiting area. After sitting the two of them down on the bench, Sylvia

that Melanie emerged

to meet other men, but they spent a whole day at

that Sylvia had no feelings for Odell.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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