Chapter 385

The two bodyguards that guarded the living room followed her as she started to move around. Sylvia had a glance at the entrance and headed to the yard for a walk. The two bodyguards followed her like her shadow. When she was tired of walking, she went back inside to seek other entertainment. 

She turned on the television, only to find that it was not connected to the Internet and had no signal. Fortunately, there were some carving tools and wood pieces that she had previously left behind in her room. She picked up the wood piece and quietly started carving as she sat on the floor. 

Meanwhile in a luxurious ward in Westchester Hospital, Madam Carter was bedridden with a respirator over her face. Her eyes were tightly shut and there were no signs of her waking up anytime soon. Odell’s tall and rigid figure sat beside the bed. He had come to the hospital before dawn and had been sitting beside his grandmother ever since. Suddenly, there was a careful knock at the door. 

“Come in,” Odell said. Cliff came in and said in a quiet voice, “Sir, the bodyguards from the mansion have reported that Madam is being rather quiet. Other than one attempt to leave the house earlier, she simply walked around the house before staying in her room for the rest of the day.” 

Odell narrowed his eyes and said coldly, “Tell them to keep watching her.” 

“Yes, sir.” Noticing the grim look on his boss’ face, Cliff continued, “Sir, Isabel and Liam are asking for Madam and they are throwing a tantrum. Liam has been rather quiet but Isabel has been crying for a while now. Aunt Tonya tried to calm them down but failed. Do you think we should send them over to Madam’s place?” 

Odell narrowed his eyes coldly, which scared Cliff. 

A few moments later, Odell gathered his emotions and said in a calm tone of voice, “Keep an eye on the two of them. I’ll go back and talk to them later.” 

Cliff said with

day went by peacefully. The sky was already dark but the bodyguards did

carved piece of wood down and cooked herself something to eat. She went to the yard for a walk after the meal

The bodyguards did not follow

the front gate and the walls

climb over

from the room and

from the chairs attracted the bodyguards’

the noise beneath the balcony which startled them.

of the bodyguards at the gate said to the others, “D*mn it! Madam is trying to escape from the backdoor! Go have a

and headed to the backdoor, leaving only one to

living room. She dashed to the gate quickly, her sudden appearance shocking the lone

Sylvia grinned and threw a kick


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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