Chapter 139

Brielle wasn’t worried for herself; it was Aubree that concerned her.

“And let me tell you,” she said with a sigh. “And I have to tell you, these two are very good friends. Tessa Is Andrew’s girl, and Allvia almost became Max’s flancée. They can pretty much do whatever they want in Beaconsfield.”

That was true.

A tightness formed In Brielle’s chest, but Tiffanie’s next words soured her mood even more.

“Maxie’s doting on you now ‘cause he hasn’t a clue about marriage yet. Once granddad picks out a fiancée for him, you’ll be history. And my granddad’s favorite? Alivia.”

Brielle shut her eyes, recalling Max’s words about considering an engagement to Alivia.

“Beep beep beep.”

Tiffanie honked the horn a few times, and her phone rang. When she saw the number, her expression changed Instantly. “Can’t do drinks tonight. Spencer’s onto me about those videos and pics. Went complaining to the Dorsey family, no doubt. Gotta go and eat humble pie. Let’s raincheck this one, yeah? It’s on me next time.”


She should have sent the videos. It hadn’t crossed her mind what the consequences

given. Been there, done that as a kid. Don’t you worry about me, Brielle.

stepped out of the car, “She’s probably Tessa’s sidekick.

parting shot. “Thing is, Andrew won’t leave Tessa

Tessa truly Andrew’s world? Brielle hadn’t heard what really went on between them, only that they

the one at a disadvantage, always bending over backward to please Tessa. Letting go

Aubree as a friend and naturally prioritized her concerns.

thought, she walked toward her apartment, only to see another car pull up, clearly



Chapter 139

recognized the two bodyguards showing around Faith. These

protectiveness over her son, she must be livid.

suits, the guards had a menacing air about

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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