Read Mated To The King’s Ga*ma by Jessica Hall Chapter 90 – Abbie POV

The storm outside was brutal, and I had been waiting for Azalea to wake up. I needed to see for myself that she was okay after we finally got Tyson back. Once she woke, I could finally relax, but I also needed to go help, Clarice. The castle was in utter chaos with everything going on. “Though now I know you’re awake and okay, I might go down and help Clarice and check on Tandi, if you don’t mind?” I tell Azalea.


“No, of course! You didn’t have to wait with me,” she tells me. I raised an eyebrow at her as if that was the silliest thing I had ever said. Azalea winced as she tried to roll her eyes at me, causing me to laugh softly. I leaned over, pressing my lips ever so lightly to her head. I didn’t want to cause more pain than she was already experiencing. “More than my life,” Azalea whispers.

“Always more,” I replied before cradling Tyson and wandering toward the door, I passed Liam as I left her knowing Gannon was going down the dungeons to swap places with him while they tried to torture information out of Tanner the gardener.

I headed straight for the ballroom to find everyone rolling out mattresses and blankets. We lost entire wings from the storm. A tree had even fallen through our wing. The destruction it was causing was terrible.

Yet we were safe. That was all that mattered as I set Tyson down to help Clarice board up the windows. Tyson rushes off to play with Oliver, who was sitting with Peter.

Gannon’s POV

I pull the funnel out of his throat slowly, and Tanner chokes, gurgles, and sputters on the wolfsbane. His tongue sizzled in his mouth, his blood-drenched the floor, his hand trapped in the vice was almost completely split down the middle, and Kyson twisted it, hearing the last crunch as the vice-grip completely closed, splitting his hand in half.

His screams made me buzz with excitement, grabbing the old lead sprinkler. It was a Medi-evil torture device used to shower victims with molten lead. However, we improvised. Instead, I filled it with sulfuric acid. It was essentially a giant ladle with an iron handle. The sphere at the bottom is filled with acid. I began shaking the lead sprinkler, showering Tanner with acid.

the hunters? Where is Ester, Tanner?” The King asked him. I pull the lead sprinkler away, yet his flesh continues to be eaten away. Kyson then reaches for the baking soda

moves to his feet. Grabbing the top of his foot and his ankle, he yanked and twisted, turning his foot, so it was the wrong way. The bones break, and Tanner screams.

will end when you tell me what

laughs, the sound sadistic as he cackles his head off like this is some sort of

but he still chokes on his own blood, and Kyson quickly removes the silver strap holding

wickedly as he dazedly looks up at the ceiling. “Pain, such a fickle thing. You won’t break me, my King!” he sneers at the last part before he laughs. Kyson growls menacingly, grabbing his other foot, about

he taunts, and I look at Kyson, my heart racing in my chest as the words spill

right out at her feet.” Tanner laughs sadistically. The moment he said that, I knew exactly who he was talking about. Claire, he wanted Kyson to kill him, to put him out

even made me sick when she stuffed your nephew back in her. Like I knew she was unhinged, but she lost the plot. Completely lost it. Even made me sick.

her baby? She was dead the moment he fell at her feet. Almost as if her soul left her as

and fur sprouted across his arms as he tried to

wants you to kill

“That b**ch just couldn’t keep her mouth shut! Had to run to your sister when

and my grip on his wrist tightens when I

She moved into the castle and found Ester, didn’t she? I started plotting to out her, but then she had to go a step too far by following us. B**ch ran straight to Claire. Just couldn’t mind her own damn business!

book. She should have taken it straight to you. Instead, she confided in the council and asked to have a meeting with us the next morning. She had rung the council, and Crux gave us a little heads up. So we took care of

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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