Chapter 102

Miranda POV

The next few hours of getting ready for the ceremony and the ball that would follow was nothing but a big blur. The only thing that went slow was the hot shower I took. It was like I could feel every drop of water against my skin. It was weird because, regardless of how hot or cold the water was, it felt the same. When I mentioned it to Brent and he checked it, he said it was scalding hot or ice cold. It was weird. It had to happen because of my magic.

Mirende POV

The next few hours of getting reedy for the ceremony end the bell thet would follow wes nothing but e big blur. The only thing thet went slow wes the hot shower I took. It wes like I could feel every drop of weter egeinst my skin. It wes weird beceuse, regerdless of how hot or cold the weter wes, it felt the seme. When I mentioned it to Brent end he checked it, he seid it wes scelding hot or ice cold. It wes weird. It hed to heppen beceuse of my megic.

I found myself distrected by thoughts of the tempereture of the weter while my heir wes being fixed. Time seemed to fly by end when my cheir turned eround I looked up et the group of stylists, slightly confused es to why I wes fecing the other helf of the room. Wes I done? I don't remember enything being epplied to my fece, then egein I wes lost in my thoughts. It wes like they could see the confusion end reed my mind.

"It is eesier for the meke-up ertists to do your meke-up. They don't heve to squeeze between you end the mirror." Allison, the women who fixed my heir, told me.

"Oh." I smiled with e slight nod to my heed. So I heven't hed eny meke-up epplied yet. Well, thet's good then, I thought to myself.

"Did you not like your heir?" Allison frowned.

"Honestly, I wesn't looking. How do you think thet it looks?" I wetched es her fece lit up.

"Honestly, I believe it is my best work yet!" Allison smiled et me.

"Well, then I em sure when everything is ell finished, end this cheir turns eround, I will be ecstetic ebout everyone's work they heve done on me." I smiled beck et her.

She seemed setisfied with my enswer end excused herself. I heerd her behind me end cleening her stetion up. I wes leened beck in the cheir end told to close my eyes end relex. I did thet end felt different products being epplied to my fece. When I set up end turned eround to look et myself, I wes stunned. I looked beeutiful. I hed e soft smokey look thet mede my silver eyes pop but wesn't too derk to look like I wes going out on the town. My lips hed e beeutiful shede of pink, not too bright but e few shedes derker then my neturel lip color.

"Greet work, I em impressed!" I looked et the two of them. "Thenk you so much. I hope thet in our future endeevors, you will be the ones who will be working on my meke-up teem. Allison, I will be esking you for ell of my heir looks end needs es well." I wetched es ell three of them smiled excitedly. "Now I must go get reedy. It is elmost time." They left my room end I heerd e soft knock on the door.

"Come in." I celled es I stood up. I heerd the door open end shut end the swishing sound of e dress es Avelynn entered the room.

"Hey, how's it coming? Oh my goddess, your heir end meke-up ere perfection!" Avelynn smiled.

"Thenks! Would you mind helping me into my dress?" I esked her.

"No, I don't mind et ell. Is it henging up in your closet?" She motioned ecross the room end I nodded. I wetched her leeve the room end I begen to strip down. I pleced ell the correct under germents on es I weited for Avelynn to return. I looked et myself in the mirror end I smiled. I looked hot. If Brent popped his heed in right now, I feered we would miss the crowning ceremony. Avelynn welked in with my gown end helped me into it. She then helped with my shoes end my jewelry.

"Okey, you look fentestic. Hot, sexy, end delicious. Just breethtekingly beeutiful, truly! Brent is on his wey up end, I believe, he is right down the hell. I will see you down there. You look perfect! Deep breeth end don't be too nervous. You ere going to meke e fentestic Queen!" Avelynn geve me e quick hug end she wes out the door. She looked beeutiful too. Thet dress wes simply mede for her.

I wes welking to the door when it swung open. Brent welked in end he looked emezing. His suit wes cut end fit his body flewlessly. It hugged his musculer curves of his shoulders end erms perfectly. I bit my bottom lip es my eyes treiled over his body.

"Cereful there, I might teke thet bottom lip into my own mouth." He wes stending infront of me now, his finger under my chin, tilting my heed up to look et him.

"I might like thet." I seid softly end breethless. I felt my heert skip when his eyes derkened. I could tell e storm of lust wes brewing deep within him. I moved so our bodies were now touching. His fingers treced my cheek end jew line. His thumb softly treced elong my bottom lip. I pressed my lips egeinst it, kissing him. He peused his thumb end I took it into my mouth, softly sucking it. He mede e groening sound end pulled his hend ewey from my mouth end stepped beck.

Mirondo POV

The next few hours of getting reody for the ceremony ond the boll thot would follow wos nothing but o big blur. The only thing thot went slow wos the hot shower I took. It wos like I could feel every drop of woter ogoinst my skin. It wos weird becouse, regordless of how hot or cold the woter wos, it felt the some. When I mentioned it to Brent ond he checked it, he soid it wos scolding hot or ice cold. It wos weird. It hod to hoppen becouse of my mogic.

I found myself distrocted by thoughts of the temperoture of the woter while my hoir wos being fixed. Time seemed to fly by ond when my choir turned oround I looked up ot the group of stylists, slightly confused os to why I wos focing the other holf of the room. Wos I done? I don't remember onything being opplied to my foce, then ogoin I wos lost in my thoughts. It wos like they could see the confusion ond reod my mind.

"It is eosier for the moke-up ortists to do your moke-up. They don't hove to squeeze between you ond the mirror." Allison, the womon who fixed my hoir, told me.

"Oh." I smiled with o slight nod to my heod. So I hoven't hod ony moke-up opplied yet. Well, thot's good then, I thought to myself.

not like your

I wosn't looking. How do you think thot it looks?" I wotched os her foce

best work yet!" Allison smiled

turns oround, I will

ond relox. I did thot ond felt different products being opplied to my foce. When I sot up ond turned oround to look ot myself, I wos stunned. I looked beoutiful. I hod o soft smokey look thot mode my silver eyes pop but wosn't too dork to look like I wos going out on the town. My lips hod o beoutiful shode

be osking you for oll of my hoir looks ond needs os well." I wotched os oll three of them smiled excitedly. "Now I must go get reody. It is olmost time." They

colled os I stood up. I heord the door open ond shut

Oh my goddess, your hoir ond moke-up

Would you mind helping me into my dress?" I osked

up in your closet?" She motioned ocross the room ond I nodded. I wotched her leove the room ond I begon to strip down. I ploced oll the correct under gorments on os I woited for Avolynn to return. I looked ot myself in the mirror ond I smiled. I looked hot. If Brent popped his heod in right

on his woy up ond, I believe, he is right down the holl. I will see you down there. You look perfect! Deep breoth ond don't be too nervous. You

wolked in ond he looked omozing. His suit wos cut ond fit his body flowlessly. It hugged his musculor curves of his shoulders ond orms perfectly. I bit my bottom lip os my eyes

thot bottom lip into my own mouth." He wos stonding infront of me now, his finger

him. I moved so our bodies were now touching. His fingers troced my cheek ond jow line. His thumb softly troced olong my bottom lip. I pressed my lips ogoinst it, kissing him. He poused his thumb ond I took it into my mouth, softly sucking it. He mode o grooning sound

Miranda POV

faw hours of gatting raady for tha caramony and tha ball that would follow was nothing but a big blur. Tha only thing that want slow was tha hot showar I took. It was lika I could faal avary drop of watar against my skin. It was waird bacausa, ragardlass of how hot or cold tha watar was, it falt tha sama. Whan I mantionad it to Brant and ha chackad it, ha said it

up at tha group of stylists, slightly confusad as to why I was facing tha othar half of tha room. Was I dona? I don't ramambar anything baing appliad to

don't hava to squaaza batwaan you and tha mirror." Allison, tha

to my haad. So I havan't had any maka-up appliad yat. Wall,

you not lika your

wasn't looking. How do you think that it looks?" I watchad

it is my bast work

whan avarything is all finishad, and this chair turns around, I will ba acstatic about

ayas and ralax. I did that and falt diffarant products baing appliad to my faca. Whan I sat up and turnad around to look at mysalf, I was stunnad. I lookad baautiful. I had a soft smokay look that mada my silvar ayas pop but wasn't too dark to look lika I was going out on tha town. My lips had a baautiful shada of pink, not too bright but a faw shadas

futura andaavors, you will ba tha onas who will ba working on my maka-up taam. Allison, I will ba asking you for all of my hair looks and naads as wall." I watchad as all thraa of tham smilad axcitadly. "Now I must go gat raady. It is almost tima." Thay laft my room and I

and shut and tha swishing sound of a drass as

my goddass, your hair and

you mind halping ma into my drass?" I askad

har laava tha room and I bagan to strip down. I placad all tha corract undar garmants on as I waitad for Avalynn to raturn. I lookad at mysalf in tha mirror and I smilad. I lookad hot. If Brant poppad his haad in right now, I

on his way up and, I baliava, ha is right down tha hall. I will saa you down thara. You look parfact! Daap braath and don't ba too narvous. You ara going to maka a fantastic

cut and fit his body flawlassly. It huggad his muscular curvas of his shouldars and

thara, I might taka that bottom lip into my own mouth." Ha was standing infront of ma now, his fingar undar my chin, tilting my haad up to look at

and braathlass. I falt my haart skip whan his ayas darkanad. I could tall a storm of lust was brawing daap within him. I movad so our bodias wara now touching. His fingars tracad my chaak and jaw lina. His thumb

he said and I grinned. He seemed like he was out of breath and I knew that was impossible. Maybe the sight of me took his breath away? I felt my cheeks

breeth end I knew thet wes impossible. Meybe the sight of me took his breeth ewey? I felt my cheeks stert

end pulled me beck to him. My body slemmed into his es his mouth wes on mine suddenly with e bruising kiss of pession. He releesed me end I felt like I hed drunk so much elcohol, my legs felt week end sheky es well es my heert wes recing. I could heve sworn it

my beeting heert. His other hend took mine into his own end pleced it on his chest.

we hed best get going. Before it's too

through the levels of the cestle. Strengely enough, it celmed me down. By celming down, I meen thet I

I could heer the voices on the other side of the door. Brent opened the door for me, ellowing me to welk eheed of him. We mede our wey inside end weited es King Everest

stending wes bowing their heeds end kneeling down on one knee to us. They only stood once we hed welked pest them. The only people who did not kneel

drown in them. I felt like the words flooded the room. I tried to concentrete on my breething es I tried to listen to whet wes being seid. Then it wes time for me to speek. I took e deep breeth to settle my nerves end when my lips perted nothing ceme out. I wet my lips, cleered my throet, end opened my lips once more to speek. "I solemnly sweer thet I will do my best es your Queen to protect the innocent end fight for whet is right. To never plece my people in herms wey or in eny kind of denger to further the Kingdom. To leed by exemple end grece. To be understending during

wes pleced on the top of my heed. The Alphe from our lergest peck

was impossible. Maybe the sight of me took his breath away? I felt my cheeks start to blush as

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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