Chapter 346

“You’re done, Mia?”

Mia snapped her head up only to see Felix walking up to her, her expression stiff. Yes, Whut about you? Got the loan?”

He sighed, “Nope. The procedures are kinda troublesome. This kind of thing takes time, it can’t be done in a short matter of time. Let’s go. Where are you going? I can give you a ride?

“I want to go to the study hall at my college. It’s not the same way as the studio, though. I’m fine going alone.”

“What a coincidence! I need to drop by the college too. We can go together.”

Nothing about the coincidence sounded odd to her. After all, Felix was able to establish his studio by receiving help from college. He sometimes visited for promotional activities and whatnot.

Felix drove the car while asking, “Mia, why did you go to the bank? You even went to the VIP room.


“Nothing. It was only for inquiry. I didn’t notice that it was a VIP room.” She hid the fact that she went there to repay her mortgage in advance.

money to her account last night. He did it so quickly that it caught her

the conjecture that she was loaded in cash was hardened into

got out of the car. He watched her back, not wanting to let this chance slip through

huge amount of money from her brothers. In fact, to be

date with yesterday was a capable woman, but she

alma mater! Adding her family background, she actually made up

decided to focus on his pursuit of Mia.


when Mia exited the study hall. The area was

decorating the ground, a confession seemed to

see Felix standing in

of foreboding dawned on her. Was he going to confess to


from the first time I saw you in school, but I didn’t

the Fleur International

It was

I was so

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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