Chapter 358

Mia learned a lot from Jason.

She looked up to her brothers, and they each had their own talents.

That was why she looked into the IP address when the article about Felix broke out. She didn’t

ask for help from Nathan.

Based on her legal knowledge from Jason, Mia chose to forget about this issue after the article was deleted.

Gina was still angry. “What right does he have to do that? Why must you fall for him? I didn’t know he’s such a narcissist! Anyway, something feels off. Just be careful.”

“I know.” With her six brothers supporting her, nothing of this scared her.

However, there was something that Mia missed–deleting the article wouldn’t clean the traces.

Soon, the rumor reached Kennedy’s ears. The bombshell sent him shaking. “I told you guys to revoke the following investment for Felix’s studio, didn’t I?


known Felix to be a man who would live off his spouse, let alone his bad

not laying his eyes

contacted Timothy right away, wanting to explain the situation. But it was Heath who picked up

it. “We deleted every record of that article and banned the students from talking bout it.

the issue and initiated an investigation. He was shocked several times at the content of the

know what he was getting himself into. Previously, he had confessed to Mia right in front of

after meeting an important client. He cast Heath a

about Mrs. Barrett. Would you like to know?” Heath felt the need


all, Timothy actually avoided the divorce by taking upon a business trip to a neighboring city


his tie and walked outside while saying, “Tell me.

college again?”

a look at this first.” Heath handed

article was deleted, someone screenshotted it.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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