Chapter 559

Upon spotting Timothy’s car, Mia promptly responded to Jeremy over the phone, “Absolutely. I’m currently outside the study hall. Would you mind meeting me here?”

“Sure thing, I’ll be right there.”

After ending the call, Mia remained standing alone outside the study hall. Though she noticed Timothy’s car, she refrained from approaching it, pretending not to have seen it.

Before long. Timothy emerged from the car, his eyes fixed on her. Feeling his gaze, Mia diverted her

attention to the sky above.

“The rain last night was intense, but today’s sky is remarkably

clear and blue,” she mused silently.

“What are you staring at? Is there a UFO up there?” Timothy’s resonant voice disrupted her thoughts.

Standing on the steps, he watched her, reminiscent of their encounter the previous night.

Unable to ignore him, Mia turned to face Timothy. “There’s a flying cow up there. Didn’t you see it?” she remarked sarcastically.

Timothy was taken aback by her retort. His eyes were tinged with red as he had barely slept throughout

the night.

had consistently been her unreciprocated love, asserting that

meant to clear things up the previous night, but Claude

as he admitted,

wasn’t entirely true.”

looked at him in surprise, wondering what

Just then, Jeremy’s voice interrupted. He briskly walked over, noticing Mia standing face–to–face

with another man.

as he approached. “Mia, I’ve brought you a little treat. It’s the perfect time for a

from that famous snack place near the university, right? There’s usually quite a queue.

to buy

part–time, and he brought me a


Confidently, he turned to look at the man standing on the steps,

identity, his expression abruptly changed–it was

his balance, stuttering as

a cold line as he remarked, “You seem

hostility. Jeremy quickly clarified, “Oh, no, you’ve


tone in which you say her name sounds rather

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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