Chapter 597

Everyone’s attention was captured by the sandalwood box when Timothy opened it. Intrigued, Mia looked at it, and she was surprised once she saw what was inside the box.

It was a diamond tiara. It was antique, yet the stunning array of diamonds still glimmered under the light,

portraying an ethereal glow which rendered the nearby quests breathless.

Sharon almost toppled over when Timothy opened the box. She yearned for the tiara, longing for the day

she would finally own it once Laura passed. Someone next to her steadied her and asked, “Is this the

diamond tiara? I heard it belonged to a queen from the Victorian era, and the Barrett family bidded it at an

auction to add it to their collection.”

was, she was still seething. She was well aware of

was in it once she laid eyes on the

hers! How could he give

just any jewelry–this was antique,

“Look at how flippant Timothy is,

heirloom away to

gave him the tiara. He has the right to give it to anyone he

biased! We ladies clearly fancy exquisite jewelry like this, yet you gave it to Timothy.” She had nothing despite being a Barrett. Her father passed away,

to rely on in the family.

“Did I

Shelly. preventing her from spluttering more nonsense in front

an orphan. They couldn’t

too didn’t expect to receive a gift of this value. It exceeded her expectations. Glancing

is too much. I can’t

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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