Chapter 688

Mia approached Timothy with the box and handed it to him directly, urging, “Please prioritize saving the patient. However, considering Mrs. Barrett Senior’s current condition, I’m afraid a single stalk of reishi mushroom won’t be enough.”

Reishi mushrooms were rare commodities, typically traded only in black market auctions. like those in Xanier Island. They were scarcely available on the open market.

Timothy’s expression grew serious. “Regardless, let’s give it a shot first.”

With that, the reishi mushrooms were promptly taken away by the doctor.

Mia couldn’t help but observe the lady, whose perfume was rather strong, staring at her in astonishment. As Mia turned her head, her red lips curved subtly.

Startled by Mia’s smile, Shelly felt a shiver creep down her spine. She promptly stood up and hid behind Timothy, stammering, “T–Tim, who is she?”

Why did this woman resemble Mia so closely? There wasn’t even a hint of plastic surgery!

Upon hearing the woman address Timothy as “Tim,” Mia swiftly deduced her identity as his cousin presumably Shelly, the second heiress of the Barrett family.

However, when Shelly spotted Mia, her reaction resembled that of a mouse encountering at cat, her eyes betraying a flicker of guilt.

Could it be that she was also involved in the troubles Mia faced within the Barrett family


but the smirk on her lips


Mia addressed Shelly, stating, “Hello, my last

nervously. “Your last name is


the uncanny resemblance of Monalize’s face left her

that moment, the doctor approached Timothy and informed him, “We need your presence here to address the



require your

hesitation, Timothy followed

Mia stood still, observing the blinking lights emanating from the


he was deeply worried about Laura, who was receiving treatment inside.

tension lingered

but secretly observe Mia, sensing that something was

wonder why Timothy had traveled to Xanier Island to purchase reishi mushrooms, only to return

surprise when she noticed the handbag Mia was holding “Is that the limited edition rare leather bag from Vior’s anniversary collection? And in the smallest size, too! That size is notoriously difficult to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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