Chapter 723

Mia was surprised by Timothy’s unexpected kindness in offering to help find Ginger’s father.

However, unbeknownst to Timothy, he was Ginger’s father!

Of course, Mia couldn’t disclose this information to Timothy just yet, so she swiftly declined, saying, “That won’t be necessary. Once Ginger’s health improves temporarily, I intend to take her back to Nord City for further treatment.”

Timothy frowned in response. “Why not have her treated here in Bern City?”

“It’s not that we’re unable to,” Mia responded before continuing, “but considering we’re from Nord City, it complicates matters. Besides, Ginger’s illness appeared suddenly, and the necessary follow–up treatment will likely extend over a considerable period. It wouldn’t be feasible for us to

ain in Bern City indefinitely.”

With a sincere expression, Mia added, “But I want to thank you for offering to undergo the bone marrow matching for Ginger. Your willingness means a lot to me, regardless of the outcome.”

“If the match is successful, Ginger will need to undergo treatment in Bern City. I won’t be able to spare the time to travel to Nord City to donate my bone marrow,” Timothy replied.

Mia was taken aback by his response. Opting for treatment in Bern City

would bring about its own set of challenges.

By then, it would be necessary to bring Sage to Bern City, which would also carry additional risks./

Sage bore a striking resemblance to Timothy. If anyone acquainted with Timothy were to spot Sage, it would be challenging for Mia to conceal her



bone marrow is similar to donating blood.


the time comes, you can donate in Bern City,

It’s a simple process, and you won’t need to personally

donating bone marrow wasn’t simply about giving

found in his

plan was to persuade Timothy to consent to donating these stem cells. Afterward, she would return with Ginger to Nord City, thus reducing

for Ginger to seek treatment in Bern City was entirely

his gaze, Timothy scrutinized Mia. “Why are

often thinking it involves major surgery. I just wanted to clarify things for

trust the medical facilities in Bern City, Ginger’s follow–up

time. It might be better for us to return

treatment there.

travel, especially considering Ginger’s young age, Mia explained in one breath, her gaze fixed on Timothy, hoping he wouldn’t

“Okay, I understand.”

lack of objection, Mia’s

can manage here at the hospital on


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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