Chapter 726

Shelly suddenly exclaimed, “She has a daughter?”

“Shelly, weren’t you aware? It appears that Ms. Monalize has intentionally kept this information from you.”

Mia responded with a smirk, “I haven’t hidden this fact. Besides, as long as Timothy is aware that I have a daughter, why does it matter if others are informed or not?”

While Shelly was taken aback, she also found Mia’s words logical. “Exactly, as long as Tim is fine with it, who cares what others think?”

Nevertheless, she was quite surprised to learn that Monalize had a daughter!

Sharon immediately shot a glare at Shelly, saying, “You don’t grasp the situation at all. Our family won’t accept someone with such baggage. Certain women should simply abandon their hopes. Luna, let’s go!”

With that, Sharon stormed off in frustration, unwilling to utter another


Luna wore a smug expression as she addressed Mia, “Ms. Monalize, your impulsive reaction just now wasn’t wise. Offending Mrs. Barrett won’t work in your favor.”

never stooped to groveling for favors. After all, you’ve been groveling for four years and still haven’t gained any status, have

the Barrett family, it’s best to maintain your distance from her. Provoking Mrs. Barrett won’t

incensed. Why was all the blame being shifted onto


crossed a line. Considering you’re also an heiress of the Barrett family, who does Luna think

only accepted in the Barrett family because of the child she’s carrying. Who’s to say if that child

she expressed, “Luna used

that Aunt Sharon has sent two nannies to care for Asher,

a hand in my grandmother’s

gleamed with interest upon hearing this. She inquired in a hushed

later she was found to have fallen down

age inexplicably vanished.


this individual had infiltrated the Barrett family with the intention of framing Mia, which ultimately led to my

alleged culprit was

I always found it too coincidental for Luna to apprehend the perpetrator, especially considering Mia’s severe. injuries at the time.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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