Chapter 728

Sharon couldn’t help but sneer, “You’re just pretending to be high–class, yet here you are embarrassing yourself at a fashion show. The truth has been revealed, hasn’t it?”

Mia handed the invitations to Tina and responded calmly, “Don’t you know that these two seats are specially reserved for today? How can you randomly assign seating like this?”

Tina glanced at the invitations, her expression shifting immediately. She promptly apologized, “I’m sorry for the confusion. Since the two of you hadn’t arrived for some time, we assumed you might not be attending, leading to this mistake.”

Mia smirked and asserted, “But I’m here now, so please make way for me to

take these seats.”

“Of course, right away.”

na approached Sharon with a nervous demeanor and conveyed, “I apologize, Mrs. Barrett, but these two seats were reserved in advance.”

“Don’t you know who I am? I’m Mrs. Barrett! How dare you suggest that I give up my seat?

as she sternly addressed Tina, “Exactly. Mrs. Barrett is a respected guest

you’ve messed up the seat assignments. Shouldn’t we be following the ‘first–come, first–served‘ principle here?”

had pre–booked the seats, she still needed to adhere to the principle of

the confusion. However, considering Ms. Monalize’s VIP status with Vior, she is

reserve her seat.”

Sharon suddenly remembered that

Monalize’s features, which bore a striking resemblance to Mia’s, she was abruptly reminded of a

uneasy at the memory. Was possessing a VIP

the situation at a standstill, Katie Turner, the event manager, hurried over and apologized, saying, “I’m sincerely

According to Vior’s rules, we’re entitled to priority treatment. How do you intend to resolve this?

back down. Why should Monalize, simply due to her VIP

isn’t our fault; it’s your staff’s error. You can’t

Group’s CEO? You wouldn’t want to go out of business in Bern City, would

I’ve just freed up a seat in the center over

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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