Chapter 743

As soon as Mia said that, Sharon retorted, “You’re quite bold to challenge. Ms. Chapman’s expertise, Ms. Monalize. She’s a seasoned professional in this field.”

In truth, Mia hadn’t intended to speak up. However, she foresaw potential doubts arising among the affluent guests if they followed Nikki’s advice to purchase seeds from Aide Castle and encountered discrepancies in their growth.

Mia corrected Nikki not out of personal interest but to safeguard the resort’s reputation. Otherwise, she wouldn’t even have bothered to speak up.

Nikki gazed at Mia, displeased. “If you believe there’s an error in my information, please enlighten me.”

“Firstly,” Mia began evenly, “the optimal temperature for seed growth is 78.8°F, but it should vary during the sprouting, growth, and blooming stages. It’s not advisable for the temperature to remain constant.

“Additionally, while the recommended sunlight exposure duration is indeed eight hours, it shouldn’t be continuous; rather, it should be

cumulative and adjusted based on the plant’s growth stages. Continuous exposure can lead to leaf burn.”

Nikki’s complexion paled. This contradicted what she had found online. Was the information she accessed inaccurate?

“Ms. Monalize, we aren’t experts in this matter. How can we trust your

words?” Amelia’s tone turned frosty.

agreed, “That’s

brows. “Well, we can consult the



staff approached. “Is there anything

to purchase the blue rose seeds, how could we go about cultivating them?”

to follow strict instructions to grow them. We have gardeners who

off, “Just tell us how to grow them so that


cultivating blue roses is the temperature. It has to be precisely 78.8°F, but it’s different for every stage of growth. As for sunlight exposure, it’s crucial to manage the duration, especially during later growth stages where an accumulated eight hours is optimal. Continuous exposure risks leaf damage,” the staff member elucidated, delving into the intricate

The atmosphere shifted.

Mia to be telling the truth. On the contrary, Nikki had

Nikki was chewing her lip due to


a waste of money if you had blindly

on the verge of crying. Who would’ve known that

two about it. It’s normal to get the details wrong. After

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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