Chapter 750

Timothy felt conflicted. If his eyes weren’t deceiving him, he clearly caught her mocking expression at the mention of marriage.

His suspicion of her identity grew.

Meanwhile, Mia sauntered around the resort alone. She was heading toward a building nearby to use the restroom when she ran into Shelly and Luna.

She noticed that Shelly’s posture seemed slightly off. It was definitely due to the blisters on her heels caused by her ill–fitting shoes. Mia was appalled at her nerve to squeeze herself into the designer shoes despite knowing it would hurt.

Shelly approached Mia with a docile smile. “Monalize, the ambiance here is really nice. It’d be great if you and Tim had your wedding here in the future.”

“It’s too early for me and Timothy to discuss these things.” Mia had never thought about marrying Timothy. The idea itself was absurd.

“Monalize, don’t say that. It think he’s serious about the relationship. He’s finally dating someone after being single for so many years. If you become a member here in

knew her last sentence was

a party for Asher’s birthday next month. It will also be held here. Don’t forget to come.”

“What does your son’s birthday have anything to do with me? He’s not my son, after all. Don’t get ahead of yourself

a dress you borrowed from her, so you let her


aware that Luna was boasting about how Asher could celebrate his birthday here. She simply wouldn’t let Luna have it

woman who had been following you, Ms. Maynard. She didn’t look like

desperate to become part of the upper crust. Have a look at yourself.

Barretts. Little did she expect Shelly to change her footing so quickly over some small favors and even seize every chance to defy her.

who do you think you are? You’re vain, a showoff, ambitious yet incapable, and you’ve been leeching off your parents. You’re literally dressed in knockoffs apart from your shoes. And you’ve got the nerve to flaunt them?”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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