Chapter 766

“Alright then, let’s have dinner together this evening,” Mla sald, glancing at Timothy with a nuanced expression. “Remember not to overwork yourself. Pursuing wealth endlessly isn’t the answer, after all.”

Timothy squinted slightly, a playful tone in his voice as he said, “Are you actually concerned about me?”

“Don’t you like being cared for, Mr. Barrett?”

Despite this, Mia found herself increasingly frustrated. She knew that if Timothy worked overtime, it could potentially delay the bone marrow donation.

In truth, Mia couldn’t care less about her contemptible ex–husband’s well–being!

She believed that investing emotional energy in men only led to disappointment.

After leaving the restaurant and getting into the car, Heath began to brief Timothy on their work progress. “Mr. Barrett, the folks over at Aide Castle have responded, stating they will consider the collaboration.

“We’ve sent over the proposal, but they’ve mentioned that a decision will only be made after their boss reviews it.”

Upon hearing this, Mia felt a sense of contentment. She knew she’d have to wait until she returned to the hospital to review the proposal from the Barrett family.

Massaging his temples, Timothy murmured, “Have they uncovered the

mastermind behind Aide Castle?”

Mia blinked nervously, feeling slightly taken aback. Were they truly delving into the identity of the boss for this collaboration?

she was a

Patricia, she certainly didn’t dare to

discovered that yet, but we know

for constructing

“The Lane Group?”

as he glanced

innocent demeanor. “Yes, the Lane Group. I’m quite familiar with them. They’re renowned

for Aide Castle, coming from Nord City, to collaborate with such

of course, thanks to Dominic’s

murmured, “You seem


you happen to know the boss behind Aide Castle?”

them personally, but I’ve heard they’re quite

the years, she had meticulously concealed her identity to avoid being

Timothy didn’t press further, Mia

phone and reviewed the proposal from the Barrett Group.

an important

treatment at the hospital.

Mia grappled with the question of

have to bring Sage to

the ward and had a conversation with Ginger regarding the situation. “Ginger, Mommy needs your

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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