Chapter 768

Looking down, Mia’s voice trembled with sorrow as she continued, “I’ve always felt this heavy guilt about Ginger. She never really had a father figure in her life, and now she’s dealing with this illness.

“Hospitals are the last place she wants to be. I just wish I could take all her pain away and bear it for her.”

As Mia finished speaking, Timothy suddenly pulled her into a tight embrace, his eyes reflecting regret.

Mia remained silent, her lips pressed together. In reality, she had chosen her words carefully, aware that Timothy probably already suspected Ginger’s true identity as his daughter.

Her words were meant to appeal to his sympathy.

After a moment, Timothy’s voice resonated above her, “She’ll be back on her feet soon. The doctors have assured me that once I donate my bone marrow, Ginger’s recovery will be swift.

“And if there are any further complications, I’m ready to cooperate with

whatever procedures are necessary.”

Given that Ginger was his daughter, Timothy felt a sense of duty to do everything within his power for her well–being.

As Mia wiped away the tears at the corners of her eyes, she murmured, “I hope we never have to face such a day.”

Passing her a tissue, Timothy reassured her, “In the meantime, cherish your time with Ginger. I’ll proceed with the bone marrow donation as planned. We can store the sample, so there’s no rush for Ginger’s treatment.”

“Alright, I understand.”

Taking the tissue, Mia wiped away her tears. “Honestly, it’s been years since I

last cried.”

my power to make sure Ginger is safe and well.

Timothy’s voice was firm and resolute, his gaze carrying

implicit meaning behind his words, Mia nodded. “Thank you.”

“Get some rest.”

Timothy walked away.

enter the elevator,

temporary façade of playing the victim and concealing the

that Timothy would confront her about their

bone marrow

needed to act

to arrange. everything meticulously to ensure the smooth retrieval of


upstairs in the ward, Timothy returned to find an unexpected visitor waiting for

as he asked,

I heard you were hospitalized, I hurried over, worried sick that you might have some incurable disease

surprise when I discovered you’re here to donate your bone marrow. I mean, who’s so important that you’re doing this

was more to the situation than met the

Caleb a cold stare and replied

who’s sick.”

you talking about?” Caleb paused, taken aback, and asked,


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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