Chapter 773

Mia couldn’t care less about Sharon’s attempts to complicate matters for her, but when it came to Ginger, that was utterly unacceptable.

Sharon sneered, “Who do you think you are? Just because your family has some money, do you think you can marry Tim, given your baggage? Let me make it clear, that’s not going to happen!”

“Who said I have any interest in marrying your son? Don’t flatter yourself.”

Mia stepped closer, her tone stern, “Honestly, I’m only getting close to him to manipulate his emotions, and while I’m at it, I’ll use him to save my daughter by taking his bone marrow. Once I’m done, I’ll discard him like trash.”

“You… You despicable woman! It’s no surprise you’ve turned out like this. You’re nothing but trouble!

Mia’s gaze turned cold, her expression distant. “Is it because you’re haunted by guilt? Do you ever have nightmares of the dead returning to haunt you in the night?”

Sharon trembled with anger. “What nonsense are you spouting? Who do you think you are?”

“Take a guess.”

Upon noticing Monalize’s striking resemblance to Mia, panic seized Sharon, causing her to hastily retreat. In her rush, however, she inadvertently lost her footing and tumbled down

the stairs.

at the top of the staircase, watching Sharon’s fall, a hauntingly familiar scene

the incident from years ago also occurred on

are you alright?”

Luna’s wheelchair emerged at the foot of the stairs, and she hurriedly made her way to Sharon’s side. Observing Sharon’s unconscious form, a

Luna’s eyes.


dare you push Mrs. Barrett down the stairs? It seems you’ve got a real nasty streak


be calling for a doctor to help her. If you continue to take your own sweet time, others might suspect you’re deliberately delaying her

dialing for medical assistance to

you’ve won. I’ll find Tim, and

off your face. We wouldn’t want Timothy catching onto your deceptive tactics and throwing you

that, Mia turned on her heel and

her expression ambiguous

what can you do? This time, I’ll ensure you

made her way back to the hospital room, but she refrained from entering right away.

up, “Ms. Mia, I’m concerned that the incident might be misconstrued. I’ll retrieve the surveillance footage to prove that Mrs. Barrett’s fall was accidental and

keep it ready for now.”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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