Chapter 781

Mia woke up groggily, her gaze instinctively falling on the sleeping Ginger. She signaled to Peyton and quietly slipped outside.

Yawning, she asked, “What’s going on?”

“Mrs. Barrett woke up this morning and insisted on jumping off the building to commit suicide!”


Mia’s drowsiness vanished instantly, her brows furrowing. “I knew that old woman wouldn’t give up easily.”

“Ms. Mia, Mrs. Barrett also insists on seeing you. The doctors and nurses are all over there trying to talk her out of it.

“You don’t need to rush over. Mrs. Barrett is likely just putting on a show, pretending to want to jump off the building for everyone to see.”

“Take me there,” Mia instructed.

She knew she had to go see Sharon.

Despite the severe side effects Timothy endured from his injection yesterday, Timothy had not mentioned anything about it.

Considering it a favor to him, Mia decided to confront Sharon and find out what tricks she might be up to this time.

way to the hospital room Sharon was in. The area outside

entered the ward, someone announced, “Mrs. Barrett,

to stop me! If anyone dares to take Tim’s

through Sharon’s facade. She addressed her directly, “Were you


continues to disobey me, then I’ll jump from here. Let’s see if he chooses his mother

chair over and sat in front of Sharon.

those were my honest thoughts.”

directly instead of sending someone to find me! What are your conditions? Spit it out,” Mia demanded, seeing through Sharon’s ulterior

lit up. “I know I can’t stop Tim from donating his bone marrow, but if

deal?” Mia’s

your relationship with Tim. You

arched an eyebrow. “Is

expected Sharon’s condition

looked confused.



you have to promise not to meddle with the bone marrow donation

uneasy and guarded expression to swiftly dispel Sharon’s earlier suspicions, feigning reluctance to adhere

Mia’s consent, Sharon breathed a sigh of relief. “Just remember to keep your promise. I won’t hesitate to take

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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