Chapter 786

Mia was sharply stung by Timothy’s remark.

She scoffed, saying, “Even your mother considers Ginger a burden. Besides, don’t you have a son named Asher? Why are you so fixated on Ginger?”

“I’ve told you before, Asher isn’t my son!”

“If he’s not your son, then whose child is he? Timothy, you’re truly despicable!”

As Mia tried to leave, Timothy pulled her into an embrace. He lowered his head and whispered hoarsely, “It seems like this matters to you after all. Could it be that you’re jealous?”

Mia was utterly furious. She forcefully stomped on Timothy’s foot and then swiftly turned, aiming a kick toward his groin. “So, you think you’re a player, huh? Let’s see if you’ve got what it takes!”

Timothy let out a grunt, his muscles tensing, while beads of sweat formed on his forehead.

He glared at Mia as she backed away, gritting his teeth. “Stop right there!”

Nonetheless, Mia had no intention of staying. She proceeded directly to the elevator, determined to leave the hospital.

Upon reaching the hospital’s exit, she was confronted by a red sports car parked right in front of her.

the sports car oddly

“You bitch! How dare you trick

quickly. I guess your brain isn’t totally useless after

Mia no longer needed to maintain the facade in front of Shelly. She had nothing left to fear at this

expression contorted with anger. She hadn’t expected Monalize

pondering whether Monalize, too, had fallen prey to someone else’s


Shelly hurled the replica handbag she had been holding to the ground. “We have no grievances between us, so why resort to using these counterfeit goods to deceive me? Do you

“We’re not exactly close, so it’s surprising that you shamelessly turn to me every time

value of these luxury items amounts to millions of dollars. Since you boldly demanded them, I had to resort to such

the Barrett family would be in such dire financial

seems she’s been deliberately cozying up to you with an agenda from the beginning. Do you finally see her true

someone as gullible as

numerous people were demanding refunds.

“Don’t think for a second that this is over. I’ve already sold half of those counterfeit items you

retorted with a mocking expression, “Did I personally take

who collected it? It’s all gone now anyway. If

since you collected the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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