Chapter 790

Mia took her phone out to call Timothy immediately.

The line got through right away and his voice sounded, “I didn’t expect you to call me again. I thought you returned to Nord City.”

She rolled her eyes at his acting.

Still, she asked patiently, “I heard that you’re discharged from the hospital. Where are you?”

“At work. Need something from me?”

She gritted her teeth. “Yes, I need something from you.”

She hung up the call and instructed the driver, “To Barrett Group.”

Now, she had to go to Barrett Group to interrogate that man in person, to ask him why he retrieved the bone marrow. He clearly knew that that was the key to saving her child!

She held her phone tightly. The sheer thought of Sage waiting in the vacuum chamber broke her heart.

If they lost the bone marrow, Sage’s life would be in danger!

let him die in the vacuum chamber! Never!

car reached Barrett Group at full pelt.

slammed the door shut. Then, she


shot him a cold look. “I’m here to see


she walked inside

guard wanted to stop her again, but her

to get


her seat. “Miss, who are you looking for?”

“Timothy Barrett.”


an appointment

I must see him today!” Mia didn’t want to waste time explaining herself to the

around, she went for the elevator right

couldn’t afford to

and soon, more than ten security

air around them tensed.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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