Chapter 793

Timothy’s brows furrowed. “Are you saying that I stole the bone marrow? What are you talking about?”

He thought Mia had left Bern City this morning, and yet she came to Barrett Group to interrogate him about the lost bone marrow?

“Timothy Barrett, stop pretending. It’s meaningless now. I’ll give you the reishi mushrooms you need in exchange for your bone marrow. You have nothing to lose from this.”

“Mia Bowen, I don’t get it. When did I steal the bone marrow? Didn’t you send Ginger and the bone marrow to Nord City? Why are you asking for the bone marrow from me?”

Her actions struck him as preposterous.

Mia looked visibly confused as she asked, “What do you mean by that? Were you not the one who stole the bone marrow?”

If it wasn’t him, who else could it be?

“Mia Bowen, although I’m angry that you lied to me, I will never take the kid’s health lightly.”

anxious looks, he realized that she

seriously, “What happened? Is

this afternoon

it while it was delivered? Or did

have gotten

thing. The doctor in charge told me that he did place the

than you, who else has the authority to steal it without anyone’s knowledge?” Mia

“Calm down, Mia!”

I know that you’re angry about me lying to you. I apologize, I’m sorry. As long as you return it to me, I am willing to do anything.” She was reaching her

was already waiting in the vacuum

couldn’t deliver the bone marrow in time,



she could never accept that!

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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