"Didn't you say you're Ms. Lane? If you're really that powerful, you might as well look for it yourself!" Luna retorted.

Mia grabbed Luna's neck. "If you don't tell me by the count of three, your face is going to be ruined. Let's see. What should I draw? A turtle or a cat's face?"

"Don't you dare!" Luna growled.

Mia began counting, "One... two..."

At the third second, Sharon couldn't put up with it anymore. "Don’t hurt her. I know where it is." Mia turned her attention to Sharon. "Finally, there's a smart one here. Give it to me and I'll let both of you go."

She would only be this lenient today.

Right when Sharon was going to reveal where the bone marrow was, a group of people barged into the place all of a sudden.

Timothy, marching at the frontline, headed straight to the kitchen. His face turned grim after he took in the situation.

It was chaotic.

to be a step ahead

here!" Luna's eyes shone

you're here! If you arrived even a minute later, I would've

their last ray

forward and stopped

at him. "You better not take another step closer. I haven't

mood soured. If this bastard hadn't showed up, Sharon would've revealed where the bone marrow

show up at this moment? At such a bad timing! Timothy didn't expect her sources to be quicker

Luna, but she didn't tell him about it.

"Where is my

Mia did to my hand. A witch like her doesn't deserve to be one of us. You donated your bone marrow to her daughter, but

been eyeing your bone marrow

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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