Panic surged within Luna like a tidal wave, as she wasn't sure if the nurse had disposed of the bone marrow.

If the nurse had thrown it away, Mia might really hurt Asher!

Left with no choice, Luna pleaded with Timothy, "Tim, you promised to protect Asher for life! You can't take that back now!"

"If I can't protect my own daughter, why must I protect someone else's son?" Timothy said calmly. His firm stance broke the last straw in her. She turned to Sharon. "Mrs. Barrett, you like Asher so much!"

Sharon was confused. "What do you mean by that, Tim? Asher's not your son?"

Luna interrupted her, "Asher's your grandson! Tim promised to treat Asher like his own son! Does it really matter if he's really his biological son?"

Sharon was shell-shocked. Asher wasn't Timothy's son after all!

"I've never admitted that he's my son," Timothy responded coldly.

thought that Asher was Timothy's

Mia had assumed the

knew, and they

in the mood to watch

Luna. Don't let her escape,” Mia ordered her bodyguards before leaving the

the bone

the car, Timothy squeezed himself into the

The car became cramped.

a puzzled expression. "Don't

was the cause

convenient to go together." He pretended not

was a mere excuse. It wouldn't make

her as invisible, she didn't utter a word throughout the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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