The intense staring between them went on for a while until Timothy spoke up, "I won't stop you from delivering the bone marrow back to Nord City."

"That'll be best," Mia said.

Since she got the green light for him, nothing was getting in her way anymore. There was no time to waste.

She ordered the doctor who was waiting outside to deliver the bone marrow to Nord City.

Next, she looked at Peyton. "Is the chopper ready?"

Peyton nodded. "Yes. It's on the rooftop. Once they get the bone marrow, they're good to go. We'll turn on the surveillance camera the entire time to make sure nothing happens this time.”

"Good. Thank you. Keep me updated at all times.”

to have peace of mind until the bone marrow was delivered to Nord

received a call from Nicholas. "I heard that you found the bone marrow.” "Yes, fortunately. Crisis averted. The bone marrow was in the hospital the entire time. The doctor over here checked it. He

all, she had mentally prepared herself for the worst while they were on their way


She wanted to stay by Sage’s

to Nord City was all she could think of.

around to see Timothy standing by the door. She turned to him and said, "No matter what, I'm grateful that you did your best to look for the bone marrow. Once Ginger recovers, I will

"Leaving already?" Timothy asked.

be away when my kid's undergoing the treatment. I have to stay by my

would return to Nord City as soon as she found the bone marrow. That was exactly why he wished she could bring

mushrooms. I'll ask someone to bring it to you when I get back to Nord City. I wish Mrs. Barrett Senior the

lips pursed at the mention of the reishi mushrooms. "Okay. She'll be happy to know that you're the one who

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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