Well, Mia couldn't care less as long as she could take off immediately and head to Nord City.

She took out her phone and texted in her family group chat, "I'm on the plane now. I'll be back soon.”

Dominic replied instantly, "Alright, I'll send someone to pick you up.”

Eva chimed in, "I've already picked up Ginger. Don't worry, I'll take good care of her.”

Mia naturally trusted Eva to take care of Ginger. She was the only maternal figure in the Lane family, after all. Naturally, Eva doted on Ginger as well.

Just then, a series of footsteps echoed outside the private jet.

Mia set her phone aside. She noticed that someone was boarding the plane with a suitcase. As she furrowed her brows, it finally dawned on her that she'd been waiting for another guest for the past ten minutes.

mood soured instantly. She wondered who this shameless person was.

in, stunning Mia with his

Why was Timothy

look so disappointed to see me? Were you expecting another

made me wait for ten minutes.

stuck in a jam.” Timothy settled down promptly next to her.

Mia said, "So, you're leaving for Nord City as well. Why didn't you say so earlier?

me out of the car.” Timothy

why are

on a business trip. There's an urgent company matter which requires

it's quite obvious. I'm not blind,

Ginger's treatment on this trip. She's my daughter after all. Is there

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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