Timothy was at a loss for words. Of course he wouldn't do that. He looked as if someone punched the living daylights out of him as he snapped, "How dare you chat with him in front of me? Are you ignoring me?"

The malice evident on Timothy's face stunned Brian.

Brian's puzzled gaze darted between Timothy and Mia as he asked, "Ms. Lane, who is this?"

"l don't know him."

Timothy looked at her. "Can you stop making a scene?"

Mia glanced over at him and replied, "You're one to talk.”

Timothy turned toward Brian and said coldly, "She's my girlfriend. Do I need to make it any clearer?" However, Brian flashed a smile and replied, "Ms. Lane has many admirers. Countless men had shown up, claiming to be her boyfriend. I'll only believe you if she confirms it."

"Do you have a lot of boyfriends?" Timothy gritted his teeth.

ages ago. Attracting so many suitors

like he had just swallowed

you need my

any potential trouble, she finally said, "Not for

a meal together in Nord City right in front of

Sofia asked


relationship between Timothy and Mia. She took her

ate fruit. She could feel his piercing

turned to him and asked innocently, “Why are

have no idea?” Timothy clenched his

but feel free to gape

stared at her. "It's been four years, but you piss me off

told you I lost my memories. I don't remember a thing

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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