Timothy calmly descended the stairs and glanced at Mia. "You left your bag behind."

Only then did Mia realize that Timothy was holding her makeup bag. She must have left it on the chair while she was touching up her makeup earlier.

Mia intended to step forward to retrieve it, but Claude beat her to it, snatching the bag and casting a wary glare at Timothy.

“You've got quite the nerve. Despite knowing this is Nord City, the Lane family's territory, you still dare to come here alone, confronting your own fate head-on."

Timothy responded politely, "My daughter is sick, so it's only natural for me to come and visit her."

Upon hearing this, Connor suddenly erupted in anger. "You claim Ginger is your daughter, yet you almost had her aborted!

"Do you even grasp the immense effort Mia put into bringing Ginger into this world? You're not worthy of being called her father.”

in raising Ginger. That's why I'm determined to make things right for both

heard of the phrase “better late than never? The Lane

is solely my own." Timothy's words sparked anger in Claude. Rolling up his sleeves, he declared, "Very well, I'll personally teach you a

the situation would escalate

in when Connor stopped her. "Mia, quickly get in

deliver the bone marrow. I need to have

wouldn't be a casual discussion. Before Mia

Mia saw a group of black-clad bodyguards

be spiraling out of

the scene, Mia couldn't help but ask Connor, "Will this escalate into a deadly

it does, it doesn't matter. Timothy owes you his

such violence really

had anticipated this outcome, which was why she

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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