Upon hearing Agatha's words, Mia found herself at a loss for where to begin her critique!

It appeared that the Jones family had a close relationship with the Bowen family, evident from Lewis’ prior approach to Mia regarding the Jones family's affairs.

However, Mia hadn't anticipated the Jones family leveraging their partnership with the Barrett family to intimidate her.

The Bowens often boasted about the Barretts' prominence in Bern City, unaware that Timothy Barrett, the CEO of the Barrett group, was currently serving as Mia's bodyguard.

Despite this, Timothy had never acknowledged any collaboration with the Bowen family.

Mia couldn't comprehend where the Bowen and Jones families derived their confidence to behave so arrogantly.

Upon seeing Mia's continued silence, Agatha assumed she was intimidated and pressed on triumphantly, "Ms. Lane, we are both esteemed figures in Nord City's high society. There's no need to strain our relationship over a commoner woman, wouldn't you agree?" Unfazed, Mia smirked and responded, "I'll say it again. If Harper chooses not to pursue charges and decides to reconcile, my lawyer can return at any moment. Instead of wasting time with me, you should focus on earning Harper's forgiveness."

Mia was familiar with the behavior of the Jones family.

often use their authority to oppress others. If Harper were genuinely interested in reconciling,

not to yield to their pressure. Agatha's expression shifted abruptly as she taunted, "Mia, are you really looking to get on the wrong side of both

eyebrow, Mia retorted, “Let's be real, do the Jones family and the Bowen family even have the

but marvel

that, she turned on her heel and exited, refusing to waste

recognize him. She swiftly exclaimed, "Mia,

in the park. They won't exactly welcome a woman of questionable morals

they've been spreading, I'll have

determined to take action. If left unattended, many might truly believe that the Lane family was about to formalize a

pestering was truly

Mia promptly dialed Jason's number. "Hi, Jason. The Bowen family has been spreading rumors about an engagement between our families. It's causing

draft a formal letter to the Bowen family,

informed of the situation. Rest assured, I'll promptly reach out to the Bowen family. They're delusional if they think they stand a

visit. Things got heated, and he ended up losing a couple of teeth, all thanks to my bodyguard. Needless to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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