Upon hearing this statement, Mia's appetite immediately waned, prompting her to set down her cutlery.

She peered at the dish before her and questioned, "Are you certain that this chef worked for the esteemed Barrett family in Bern City, and that this dish was Mr. Barrett's favorite?"

Wasn't that too much of a coincidence?

Mia couldn't believe the serendipity of encountering a chef who had worked at Timothy's household just as they casually went out for a meal.

“This information is straight from the chef's mouth. Rumor has it that the CEO of the esteemed Barrett Group in Bern City has an exceptionally discriminating palate and is notoriously demanding. "However, these signature dishes prepared by the chef seem to be quite popular.”

Upon hearing these absurd rumors, Mia suppressed a smile and pressed on, "Besides mentioning Mr. Barrett's discerning and hard-to- please taste, what else did the chef reveal?"

She was eager to learn more!

As soon as Mia finished speaking, she felt Timothy's subtle gaze on her.

didn't mention much else, only that Mr. Barrett has a very selective palate

changes chefs frequently, and he stayed there

culinary skills remain commendable. I've sampled these dishes, and

exchanged a meaningful glance with Timothy, who stood at the door. "I never imagined Mr. Barrett would have such a

at the dishes on the table, Timothy replied coldly, “It's

preferences had always been inconsistent; he was content with mild flavors and had no fixed preferences for specific dishes. Therefore, the chef's claim was clearly untrue. Perhaps this chef had never actually worked at the Barrett residence. Dylan's displeasure was evident upon hearing this. "You're just a bodyguard, what do you know? How can

defense, Mia suppressed a smile and nodded. “You make a valid point. There must be some truth to it. After all, rumors often contain a kernel

Mr. Barrett was easy to please, the chef wouldn't be

we all know that wealthy individuals

"Exactly," Mia agreed.

hardened. "If you don't believe me, there's nothing more

Timothy's response somewhat odd. He spoke with a tone reminiscent of the "Mr. Barrett" himself, which struck Dylan as overly

the topic and offered Mia some food, saying, “Let's move on from this, Mia. We should probably eat before the dishes

sudden attentiveness to Mia, Timothy's expression turned cold. "Hey, you might want to think twice about using that fork to serve her. It's been

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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