Upon learning about Mia's head injury, Peyton grew deeply worried. He swiftly reached out to the doctors at the private hospital and hurried there without delay.

The medical team at the private hospital was already on standby. Unbeknownst to Mia, Connor happened to be among the hospital staff members.

As Timothy carried Mia out of the car, Connor was taken aback to see him. "What are you doing here?" he exclaimed in surprise.

Mia realized she was in a difficult situation as soon as she heard Connor's voice. There was no way she could hide anymore.

Deciding to go along with it, Mia closed her eyes and pretended to faint. Stepping forward, Timothy gently lowered Mia into a wheelchair. "Now isn't the time for questions,” he stated firmly.

"She sustained a head injury from being hit with a bag, and she's experiencing nausea and dizziness. It seems to be a mild concussion.” Observing Mia's pallid complexion, Connor didn't bother questioning Timothy's presence. Instead, he swiftly wheeled Mia into the operating room for assessment.

Meanwhile, Timothy stood guard outside the operating room, his eyes blazing with a cold fury at the mere thought of Mia's injury.

It appeared that the Bowen family was truly despicable.

approached Peyton and

conducting tests. Let's

from the operating room to Timothy standing outside, his expression became more nuanced, a mixture of curiosity and suspicion brewing

the nature of the relationship between

emerged from the operating room clad

concern evident. "How is Mia?" he asked

you doing here with Mia?"

Timothy asked, "How's Mia?

now you're worried about Mia, huh?" Connor shot back.

supposed to have gone back to Bern City? Why are you still

in the face of Connor's accusations, only repeating, "I

business knowing anything about her condition!" Connor was utterly furious; encountering

Connor turned to Peyton and commanded, "Get someone to remove this man immediately. Keep him away from

as he retorted, "I won't leave until she's

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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