Upon hearing Connor's words, Mia couldn't help but feel guilty. She nervously fidgeted and said, "Connor, it's a long story."

"Perfect, I have plenty of time to listen,” Connor quipped.

He was also curious as to why Mia chose to keep Timothy as her bodyguard. Did she still harbor feelings for him?

Taking a moment to gather her thoughts, Mia explained, “Initially, I intended to dismiss Timothy when I went to the hospital. But I ended up keeping him around as a bodyguard just to see him embarrass himself. I never expected him to be so persistent and stay by my side.”

Mia had only wanted to play a prank on Timothy, which was why she kept him around as her bodyguard.

"Mia, Timothy is a cunning man. Don't let his words deceive you. It might be safer to keep your distance from him. What do you say about that?" Connor suggested.

“I understand, Connor. By the way, where's Timothy now? Is he alive?" Connor's response was sharp and direct. "Why are you so worried about someone insignificant? Whether he's dead or alive, it's none of your concern."

Mia let out a sigh and replied, "Connor, it's not like I care deeply about him. But he is the biological father of my twins. We can't just wish for his death, can we?"

Timothy wasn't the father of your children, he'd be

Connor's words. It seemed that Timothy was still

carefully. Please don't let Timothy near you anymore. He brings nothing but trouble. Every time he's around, something

Connor, I promise. I'll

"Mia, are you feeling hungry? I can go grab some

those street tacos. Thanks,

left, Peyton entered the room, pushing the door open gently.

voice, Mia inquired,

hesitated briefly before responding,


not that severe. Referring to him as a freak is a bit harsh, but he

the operating room. As Mia listened to Peyton's account of Connor nearly stabbing Timothy with a surgical knife,


him, they

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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