Mia's eyes shot open. She finally remembered!

That tattoo was exactly the same as the one on Luna's ankle!

Mia propped herself up in bed, wondering, "Did Luna attack me in the bedroom and frame another person?"

Dana was the culprit caught and Mia knew that Dana had always hated her.

When Mia connected the dots, things started to make more sense to her.

It was no wonder Luna suddenly brought over Dana, claiming that she had caught the culprit when everyone wanted to check the surveillance footage.

Mia failed to smell the scheme back then. Now that she thought about it, something was off.

Luna surely played an important role in this scheme.

Reorganizing the clues in her head, Mia was determined to find out whoever hurt Laura and hold the culprit accountable.

Mia woke

off while reorganizing the clues of the incident. The

in an undertone, “I heard that there's a handsome homeless man outside the hospital. He's sleeping

him since I came to work this

guy's of the same standard. His haggard appearance just

enough for Mia to guess that the handsome man was

the medical staff left the room, Mia beckoned Peyton over. “Is Timothy not

afraid not, Ms.

Timothy would've gone after what had

that he would still be

to drive him

so much about him? It's none

that, Peyton didn't suggest anything further and averted the topic instead. "The Jones family filed a lawsuit, but they will lose the case because your

be joining hands with the Barretts. They

can do? I wonder if they can still

to send Timothy back. I can't stand what the Bowen family are doing.” Perhaps, Timothy could shed light on

looked forward to seeing the Bowens getting

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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