"Won't your family badger you to start a family after you've been single all these years?"

Mia was slightly puzzled. What did he mean? Why the sudden question?

She turned toward him and gave him a look. "Why did you ask? Does this have anything to do with you?"

"I admit that I was in the wrong back then. But now I want to start all over with you."

Mia froze. She had never expected Timothy to say that to her. In the past, she would have been elated, but now she was perfectly composed.

"Start all over again?" she questioned. "Going back to how I was treated four years ago?"

treated back at the Barrett residence four years ago. She definitely wouldn't tolerate

faltered. "No. That's unfair to

you still have some conscience left, but let bygones be bygones. It's impossible for us to start all over again,” Mia refused flatly. Timothy wasn't caught off guard by her refusal. Averting the topic,

with her recovery. Why do you need her medical records? You're not a doctor

medical records as her father, isn't it? I've set up a

family doctors will deal with Ginger's sickness. Her recovery is going well now, so she

feared that the intervention from Timothy's team would expose her. "Having more doctors ensures better recovery for Ginger. As her mother, I

her treatment a success. I've

I don't. Ginger's my daughter,

Nick back then. He saved our

himself to explain

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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