Connie inwardly scoffed, questioning whether this penniless bodyguard could truly be the CEO of Barrett Group. Something about the situation didn't sit right with her.

Suddenly, Lewis erupted into laughter. "Mom, what on earth are you talking about? This man clearly isn't the CEO of Barrett Group. Mia, it seems like your deception has been uncovered, hasn't it?"

Mia blinked in confusion. "What do you mean? Shouldn't Caleb be able to confirm Timothy's identity?"

"Are you saying he's Caleb? Please, let's not joke around. I've met Mr. Gomez before. This man is definitely not Caleb," Lewis insisted.

In a fleeting moment, Mia and Caleb exchanged a meaningful glance. Pointing to himself, Caleb said, "If I'm not Caleb Gomez, then who is?" "Okay, young man, you can stop the charade. I know you're just an actor Mia hired at the last minute. Perhaps you're even her bodyguard, posing as Mr. Gomez to vouch for the identity of this penniless bodyguard. But I bet you didn't anticipate that I've actually met the real Mr. Gomez, did you?" Lewis countered.

Mia was momentarily speechless, unsure how to respond.

hadn't anticipated Lewis, of all people, to have encountered Caleb before. But

that someone was impersonating

certainly didn't need to become a bodyguard to get close to someone. Of course, Caleb didn't vocalize the second half of the sentence. Connie interjected, "Enough with the charade. It's

Bern City—the Gomez

the second most prominent

fools?" Mia let out a weary sigh. "It's a long story. I assumed you could confirm Tim's identity, but I never imagined they wouldn't even recognize you." Lewis quickly interjected, "Mia, come on, cut me some slack. The Bowen family is on the verge of partnering with the Barrett

you've dragged in impostors to pretend to be Mr. Barrett and

in embarrassment, desperately

obviously bluffing,"

our identities to such

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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