"This is my family matter, why is it any concern of yours?" Ralph retorted.

Caleb scoffed disdainfully. “Sure, it's none of my business. But I advise you to cancel your dealings with the Bowen family promptly. Give back whatever you've gained from them.

"Otherwise, if the collaboration falls apart and you end up facing legal consequences, Timothy won't be able to protect you here. Remember, this is Nord City."

Ralph countered, “As you pointed out, this is indeed a branch office, and within the framework of the Barrett Group's regulations, I have the authority to manage collaborations here in Nord City.

"Despite Timothy's position as CEO, he cannot simply order me to terminate the partnership. He, too, must adhere to the established procedures.”

Nonetheless, Ralph had already signed the partnership agreement with the Bowen family before Timothy's protocols came into play. This meant that even Timothy had no means to reverse this situation.

Glancing back at Ralph, Timothy retorted, "If you're determined to invite disaster, then I won't stop you."

do you mean? I'm your uncle; how can you speak to me like

of staying any longer, Timothy turned on his heel and left the

but I didn't expect you to confront him so directly. It's ridiculous that he still refuses to see reason. How much do you

using the Barrett Group as

these two parties were working together

to uncover any hidden agendas. It only

if Mr. Hopkins refuses to cancel the partnership with the Bowen family? It could take a day or two to go through the formal procedures,” Caleb expressed

to follow all the formalities. I'll personally address the issue and officially terminate the partnership with the Bowen family during the signing ceremony two days from now. "Sticking

remained engrossed in his work until dinnertime. Rubbing his neck, Timothy turned to Heath and inquired, "How

hospital updates, Ms. Ginger was

already discharged?" Timothy's eyes widened in

be going well.

shake off his suspicion that Mia intentionally postponed arranging his visit to Ginger. He found it odd that Ginger was promptly discharged shortly

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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