"Who says I'm leaving? Let's head to the hospital now," Timothy responded.

Frustration gnawed at Caleb. "What for?"

Timothy got into the car. "To check Ginger's medical record." His tone was monotonous.

"Tim, are you suspecting that Mia is hiding something from you?"

"Yes." Timothy gave Heath a brief look. "Any updates from the guy investigating in the hospital?"

"Nothing yet. I'll call him for follow-ups now."

"It's fine. Tell him to meet me outside the hospital. I have something to ask him."

Clouds of doubt were shrouding Timothy. He had to look into the matter in the hospital in person.

Heath said cautiously, "But the earliest flight back to Bern City is an hour later. We still have time to rush back to the airport now. Otherwise, we will

have to wait for two hours."

Reclining in his seat, Timothy responded, "Who says that I'm going to the airport?"

Caleb arched his brow. "Is it a feign so that the Lanes will assume that you're going to leave soon? But in truth, you're not going to the airport.”

Timothy hummed in response, taking in the scenery outside the window. He wouldn't leave Nord City that easily.

It didn't take long for Timothy to reach the hospital.

the car. "Hi, Mr. Barrett,”

medical record?

lowering his voice as he said, "Actually, we can't find anything from this medical

out of particular, but there is

took the

a janitor,

come to the hospital

to gain

because everything about that

confidential. I


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a while. "Continue the investigation. Take your time. Don't alarm

"Yes, sir."

through the medical record. Nothing was wrong with the

this back to a specialist in Bern City. See if

right, Tim. If Ginger isn't

knew the answer


It's just

nowCNothing's confirmed. I'm not


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The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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