The mention of Asher brought Sharon mixed feelings, evident from her deep frown.

In the beginning, she assumed that Asher was Timothy's illegitimate son he had with Luna. That was why Sharon had been treating Asher like her

biological grandson.

At the end of the day, Timothy revealed to her that Asher wasn't his son!

Hence, Sharon held grudges against Luna for keeping misleading her until today. Sharon felt like a fool for letting herself be wrapped around Luna's


Fortunately, she now knew that Mia had given birth to a daughter with Timothy.

Timothy didn't have plans to get married and have kids, so it was best to have Ginger back at the Barrett residence.

That was why Sharon wanted to speak to Mia.

Sharon offered, "Name your conditions, Mia. I can't have my grandchild wandering outside the Barrett residence.”

her confidence

dared to demand that from

her. "Everyone in my family loves Ginger. My

you better ask their

to say, Sharon was aware that Mia was no longer that orphan she


of the Lane family,

difficult for Sharon to claim the

Mr. Shelbert about a project. But it seems like a competitor is going to steal it away

hand over the custody right

How supercilious.

was unbothered. "Do you think that this

you prepare a lot

put up with the conversation anymore. She

doesn't lack money. It's just a project. So what if it's gone? It won't affect her

people should always know how to do business alone, not how to

I leech off my family for the rest of my

raised her head higher. "We have enough money for my son to spend for the rest of his life too, but he's a hard-working

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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