Mia said solemnly. "It's been four years, Timothy. The orphan Mia might need you to take care of something, but I don't need it now. I can take care of

it myself."

The elevator door opened and she walked out.

Now that she knew Raymond was meeting Luna and the relationship between the duo, there was a need to devise a proper plan.

She mustn't act recklessly.

Winning the project wasn't the main objective now. It was to make Luna pay the price for her deeds.

Timothy followed Mia. "Mia, hear me out.”

"l don't want to hear any explanation from you."

Sharon scurried over. "Son,

look at me! This woman slapped me! You have

that Sharon and Veronica

her tracks, Mia flashed him a meaningful smile. "I slapped her

custody right.

always been. I never hold myself back

tell your family to not tick my nerves in the future, especially in Nord City. They

that, Timothy? How ridiculous! She's threatening that we won't be able to return to

like her isn't qualified to

not fit to be a mother too. You have to think of something to retrieve the custody

"Mom, I've straightened things out with you about the custody right. I will never take it away from Mia. It's better for

with Mia than me."

work that way. You're the president of Barrett Group. Everything in the family will belong to your


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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