Mia said icily, "Are you sober now?"

Louisa covered her stinging face and stared at Mia in disbelief. "You dared to hit me. Don't you know who I am?" As a Yellow Islander, she had never experienced such humiliation before.

Mia rubbed her wrist. "I know who you are. But regardless of your identity, anyone causing trouble at the research institute will face the same consequences."

Louisa's voice sharpened. "You're finished. I won't let you off the hook. I'll have you captured, tortured, and flayed alive. You won't beg for life, but you'll beg for death."

Despite her threats, it was all in vain. Every bodyguard she had brought with her had been defeated and rendered immobile.

Mia turned to Peyton and instructed, "Take her and her bodyguards to the police station. Also, make copies of the building's surveillance footage. "Inform the authorities that these individuals from Yellow Island have instigated a disturbance at the research institute, perpetrated assault, and intentionally injured others."

lay a hand

Shelbert. If you send me to the police, someone will come looking for you immediately. Do you think you can escape the

Mr. Shelbert?"

invitations to individuals from Yellow Island. She couldn't help but wonder if he was

feeling intimidated yet? Even Mr. Shelbert shows

police on me and send me to jail. Do you really think he'll let you off? To

if he's the mayor, he's still bound by the

looked haughty and acted superior. She retorted, "You're

but for us nobles, it's as flimsy as tissue paper. Let

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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