Mia's mind was in turmoil due to Louisa's overwhelming audacity earlier. Amidst the chaos, Mia had forgotten that Sage was right by her side and he had witnessed everything.

She regretted bringing Sage along to see the commotion at the entrance. If he hadn't been there, Sage and Timothy wouldn't have run into each other. At that moment, she didn't know what to do next.

Sage looked up at the towering figure before him. It was his first time seeing Timothy in person. Previously, he had only seen Timothy in videos or photos.

Sage maintained a stoic expression as he fixed his gaze on Timothy. His attitude and impression toward Timothy were bad, to say the least.

Timothy couldn't help but notice Sage's presence. The boy's arrogant demeanor felt strangely familiar to him.

As their eyes met, Sage found Timothy intolerable.

Timothy naturally sensed the hostility from Sage. He frowned and remarked, "This is an affair concerning the grown-ups, brat. Best you stay out of it."

He didn't give it much thought since Sage was just a kid. Timothy was certain that a child wouldn't be his love rival.

hearing that. In a childish tone, he retorted, "Why should

covered his mouth. She

to Timothy and said, "He's always been stubborn since he was little. Mr. Barrett, let's not get into a fight with a

"Why don't you go inside with the nurse? I'll join you after I've

and stubbornly

a headache coming on. Sage was as stubborn as Timothy. Now,

others. He made a beeline for Mia and

of relief upon seeing him. "I'm

woman from Yellow

caused trouble. They had injured all the security

about it on my way here. I'll

there was a confrontation, and you were pushed to the ground. Are you

looked at her apologetically.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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