"That won't happen. He definitely won't notice these things if you answer him directly. Besides, he already knows who you are. Whether you reveal your identity or not doesn't matter." Timothy remained silent for a moment before he typed out his reply on the keyboard.

"That's all in the past. I've returned to a normal life since doing something significant."

Upon seeing this response, Sage continued to inquire, "What significant thing did you do?"

Could it be the same thing mentioned by his subordinate just now? Could Timothy really be the infamous doomBringer from the olden days?

Coincidentally, the "B" in doomBringer, which was also the first letter of the asshole's family name, was capitalized.

It felt like he was getting closer to the truth.

"In the past, there was a notorious terrorist organization that brazenly invaded many people's computer systems and boasted that no one could find their existence. It caused extremely negative impacts on the international community.

"At that time, with youthful zeal, I gathered a group of people and raided their hideouts one by one, exposing these terrorists. However, these terrorists were no ordinary people." "Ordinary?' What do you mean?"

initially thought that everything seemed okay on the surface. After all, he had heard about the heroic deeds of Nord City and Bern City establishing an anti-terrorism organization alliance

secrets, as they could all be

terrorists to have another secret about their true

daughters of wealthy families. Those wealthy families started to obstruct, threaten, and lure us to stop the attack. They even wanted us to give up on exposing the true identities of the

various opinions on the internet about the identities of those terrorists but most of them tended to believe that they were from poor countries and

of those people were actually

suddenly asked, "What happened after

Timothy explained patiently, "You

were too bored, so they started to disguise themselves as criminals. With the internet as their cover, they put on a mask

"They seek the thrill."

that. "But they hurt so many

should they

who bullied others. He and his group of friends often

was interested in the story of doomBringer eliminating

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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